How Long Does Dermal Filler Pain Last?

Minimal discomfort and side effects Dermal fillers have few, but very mild, side effects. These include redness, bruising, and tenderness at the injection sites. The discomfort or tenderness lasts only a few days and can usually be controlled with over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen. Some people have mild bruising and swelling after the procedure.

If this happens, you can expect it to dissipate within a week or two. After the procedure, the treated area may be slightly red for a few hours, but this should subside quickly. Generally, the pain should go away within 12 to 24 hours and the swelling should be gone within 24 to 48 hours, although it may take up to a week for it to completely disappear. The best way to reduce the risk of side effects from dermal fillers is to choose a highly qualified and experienced professional. The risk of dermal fillers causing an outbreak of cold sores is very low, less than 1.45%, according to research.

If you are immunosuppressed, you have a higher risk of infection after the filler injection, so it is important to consult your primary care doctor before considering using a filler. Dermal fillers can add volume directly, stimulate the body to produce collagen, or make a combination of both. There is a common misconception that temporary fillers rarely cause side effects; however, the frequency is comparable to that induced by permanent, long-lasting fillers, but their duration is shorter and therefore less severe. Patients can recover quickly if they are treated with an infrared lamp after receiving dermal fillers. If you are taking blood thinners, the risk of bruising is greater after the filler injection; however, you can still safely inject the filler. Dermal fillers are a non-surgical cosmetic treatment used to add volume to areas of the face in order to give them a fresh and more youthful appearance. We recommend waiting at least one week after applying dermal fillers before doing any strenuous exercise in order to avoid the risk of infection.