Are Fillers a Surgical Procedure?

Dermal filler injections are a type of non-surgical cosmetic procedure that fill wrinkles, smooth lines and restore volume to the face. Your healthcare provider injects these substances just under your skin, with the purpose of instantly plumping up areas of the face that appear deflated and saggy due to the natural aging process. Fillers can also be used in younger people to confer structural changes to improve overall facial harmony, such as sculpting and contouring the jawline, nose, cheeks, forehead, chin, etc. It's an ideal option for those who aren't sure about committing to more invasive procedures, such as rhinoplasty, facial fat grafting and chin augmentation.

Facial cosmetic surgeons use dermal fillers to reduce signs of aging, minimize skin depressions and scars, and treat fine lines and wrinkles or deep creases on facial skin. Your healthcare provider will review the types of dermal fillers and discuss the right option for you. Dermal fillers can be very useful for people with early signs of aging or as a value-added part of facial rejuvenation surgery. Injectable dermal fillers can plump thin lips, enhance shallow contours, smooth facial creases, eliminate wrinkles, and improve the appearance of scars.

It's important to remember that dermal fillers are temporary treatments for facial aging and that ongoing treatments will be needed for long-term results. Your healthcare provider will recommend a specific type of filler or fillers and discuss possible side effects and recovery time. Some people choose to wear dermal fillers to restore volume to the face after taking these medications. When considering dermal fillers as a cosmetic procedure, it's important to talk to your healthcare provider about the risks and benefits, as well as about the best type of dermal fillers for you.

People choose dermal fillers to improve their facial features or achieve a more youthful appearance. Dermal fillers are an effective way to reduce signs of aging without having to undergo surgery. They can also be used in combination with other treatments such as Botox or laser resurfacing for more dramatic results.